Using the Internet of Things to make the "home away from home" familiar

Group project, 10 members, 1 month
Team Activities
Device Integration
Video Production
Individual Responsibilities
Software Development Lead
Electrical Engineering Lead
Mechanical Engineering Lead
In this project, I worked with an interdisciplinary team to develop an environment for a collection of interconnected devices. The concept was to integrate these devices using an "Internet of Things" approach to prevent homesickness among college students and provide ambient reminders of a family home far away. Our team of ten was split into three groups, each focusing on a different sense. My team worked on sight, creating light projections that changed depending on the weather in a remote location, specified by the user.

The planned environment is shown below, along with views of all three devices. We ended up remodelling the "rain" icon after noticing that it would be sideways once rotated in front of the hole!
