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Writer: bfisherbfisher

Updated: Nov 17, 2018

Reducing pet stress for dogs in the context of the veterinarian hospital or clinic setting

Group project, 5 people, 3 months

Team Activities

     Trend Identification

     Product Opportunity Gap Analysis

     User Research

Individual Responsibilities

    Background Research

     Concept Development

     Value Opportunity Analysis

     Decision Matrix Construction

In this project, I worked within a cross-functional team to envision a concept for a product or service to de-stress dogs on their way to the vet.  We chose to tackle the problem before the dog even arrived at the vet after conducting primary user interviews to complement secondary research that indicated that stress starts to occur long before the waiting room.  I found it interesting to work on this project even though I had never owned a dog myself, and I was heavily involved in the Value Opportunity Analysis and Concept Development stages of the project.  Before we could do these things, however, it was important to establish where potential market gaps might exist.  We mapped out these gaps based on our research and insights from looking at emerging trends, and categorized them as in the following illustration.

This collaboration led to our initial concepts, as well as our final design, shown below.  The idea is to use feedback from the dog's heart rate variability to determine when it is stressed and how much compression should occur.  The owner will still have control if necessary, with a color indicator for visual feedback.




Integrated Innovation Institute

Carnegie Mellon University

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